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News and events

Below are posted news items and information about ECFI-led and related activities

23. January 2025
Join Fostering Youth Participation & Leadership in Community Foundations gathering

We invite you to join us on the 23rd of January at 10 AM CET time (9 AM GMT / 11 AM EET) for our first informal gathering to: 

  • Meet, hear from and connect with young people from the community philanthropy field. 
  • Be the first to hear ECFI’s exciting 2025 plans, including the next Youth Fest destination—and how you can be part of shaping it! 
30. September 2024
Community Foundations and Giving Tuesday (online 2nd Oct 1-2pm CET)

Join us for a conversation about how community foundations and support organisations can leverage the global day of giving locally to ignite meaningful conversations about philanthropy and giving, while showcasing your unique value. We are hoping to engage all community foundations in work to increase local giving. To help work toward that goal —let’s explore the potential and work together to make it a reality.

26. September 2024
It’s All About You(th): Insights from the ECFI Thematic Meeting in Ghent

The ECFI Thematic Meeting in Ghent focused on empowering youth through community philanthropy. This report delves into key discussions around youth engagement, leadership, and the role of community foundations in fostering an inclusive future. Discover the innovative approaches shared by community foundations across Europe to inspire and support the next generation. 

09. September 2024
#PhilanthropyForClimate and Community Foundations – 23rd September (Online)

Join ECFI and the Philea Climate Coalition for an engaging webinar on #PhilanthropyForClimate and the role of community foundations. This online event will take place on 23rd September from 14:00 to 15:30 CET. Explore how community foundations can contribute to climate action through philanthropy and local engagement.

03. July 2023
The SDGs are Good For Us

The value of embracing the SDGs and the role of support organisations

25. June 2023
Key takeaways from the Reconnect 2023 – the Canadian Community Foundations Conference

A report by Stefan Cibian with key takeaways from the Canadian Community Foundations Conference

06. June 2023
The New Italian Kid on the Block

‘Putting social capital at the centre of local inclusive development’ was the primary rationale the latest community foundation in Italy. Read more about the activities, relationships and cultural conditions that led to the establishment of the Fondazione Comunità di Benevento.

29. March 2023
Safeguarding and CFs 27th April 2023 11:30 – 13:00 CET

Learn about safeguarding principles, why we need them and what we should do to implement them, in this online webinar with experts and practitioners.

24. February 2023
ABCD Masterclass

Free for community foundation practitioners. A 2hr Cormac Russell masterclass on the fundamentals and challenges of Asset-Based Community Development.

16. February 2023
How can we sustain and strengthen community philanthropy?

Join our online seminar on March 7 (11-12 CET) with Tobias Jung from University of St Andrews and James Magowan from European Community Foundation Initiative

08. February 2023
Philanthropy for Ukraine

Transatlantic conversation with Oleksandra Matviichuk,

2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

24 February 2023, 15:30 – 16:45 CET

28. November 2022
Community Foundations in the Netherlands

A story of persistence and adaptability – a guide to the evolution and current state of the field

31. October 2022
Community / Citizen Organising: What works and the role of community foundations.

Hear from experts and practitioners in the field and discuss tools, practices and challenges. 
Join an online discussion on
24 Nov 10.30 - 12.00 CET

12. July 2022
‘ECFI delegation’ to UK Oct 2022

Join a study visit and the UKCF conference ‘Foundations for the Future’. We are offering one free place per country to community foundation practitioners who commit to sharing how they will apply and share their learning.

21. March 2022
Community foundations and refugees

Community foundations across Europe are responding to the needs of refugees in a variety of ways. Join a discussion to learn about what others are doing and what you could do.

11. March 2022
Community Foundations for Ukraine

We want to connect those who want to help with those that need help.

15. February 2022
Grants for SDG comms

A GCLS call for proposals is open until 13 March relating to CF communications and promotion of SDGs


02. February 2022
Exchange and Learn

Applications are welcomed from community foundations and support organisations for learning exchanges. Up to €4,000 is available to support two or three exchanges this year.


24. January 2022
Roots and Wings hosts democracy fundraiser 27/1/22

A chance to hear from and contribute to 4 NGOs that play a role in promoting civic activism and making democracy work in Hungary.

17. December 2021
ECFI looks ahead to 2022

This presentation sets out learnings from activities in 2021 and outlines plans for 2022 which include a concentration on field research and continued focus on the SDGs and in particular climate change.

02. August 2021
German community foundations help flood victims

Community foundations in Germany have acted quickly in response to the recent flooding. Here you can find updates and ways to donate.

09. July 2021
Open Letter to G20

F20 and community foundation representative call on G20 to act on the Climate Crisis and enable local action for resilience – read / share our Open Letter

26. May 2021
Using digital tools for strategic planning

Two Ridings Community Foundation (UK) has used the digital space creatively for long term planning. Their report indicates that while digital engagement presented some different challenges the basics of good engagement didn’t change and it helped drive a shift towards its convening advocating and supporting role.

07. May 2021
How to develop fundraising capacity in times of uncertainty

Online workshop (2x2hr sessions on 27 and 28 May) for community foundations and support organisations to dive deeper into the topic of sustainability.

State of the Field

Based on a comprehensive survey this report provides facts and figures about European community foundations and support organisations highlighting key challenges and trends.

Sustainability Roundtable 4 December

Organisational sustainability is a constant challenge for community foundations. ECFI is hosting a roundtable of practitioners to explore the concept and reflect on approaches.



European Community Foundations’ collective action learning – Digital Transformation

ECFI offers you a unique experience of learning, collaboration and sharing knowledge in relation to CFs' endeavours of solving current challenges.

Italian SDG workshop changes perspectives

Masked but not inhibited, community foundations practitioners actively engaged in a workshop over two days offering practical steps towards embracing the SDGs. Carola Carazzone, from Assifero, reflects on a transformative experience.

19. May 2021
Achieving Social Cohesion Whilst Social Distancing

Can online communications help you reach and engage new audiences and stakeholders? Find out how to convert these challenges into opportunities – join our playful but practical webinar on 7. or 8. September.


Podcast – the unique role of community foundations

James Magowan from ECFI is interviewed here on the CAF Giving Thought podcast, highlighting the diversity of CFs in Europe and the value added that they offer.

17 Goals Magazin Partnership

ECFI is delighted to have partnered with ‘seventeen goals Magazin’ which tells positive, inspiring stories of change and shows how we can all contribute to the success of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

UN - SDG Action Awards

Do you MOBILISE, CONNECT or INSPIRE? (what else do you do). It would be great to see a community foundation led / supported initiative feature – do think of applying or nominating.

Community Foundations and Coronavirus

We have created a community foundation Covid-19 resource page that will be regularly updated. See what community foundations are doing. Find useful links and resources.


More info
Connecting Community Foundations with the SDGs

Get inspired to embrace the SDGs. This publication describes the why and how.

Workshops on SDGs

Embracing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is good for you. Why and how? ECFI delivers workshops which will help community foundations understand the relevance of the SDGs to their work and how to embed them in their own organisation.

Guide on CFs in Hungary

This new ECFI guide tells success stories of Hungarian community foundations despite a restrictive political environment, and provides background information, facts and figures.

Building and strengthening the community foundation field - Berlin 5-6 December 2019

Registration is open for a Europe-wide gathering to share knowledge and experience on the leadership and support required and offered in the community foundation field. Deadline 1st Nov.


Unlocking the potential of philanthropy together

On the occasion of European Day of Foundations and Donors EP vice President calls for action to realise the potential of philanthropy. “We want to start a new conversation about what philanthropy can contribute to the European Union’s welfare,” says Nicola Beer. “There is so much untapped potential when it comes to foundations and civil society organisations – let us unlock it all together.”

Much gained and given in Glasgow

An ECFI Delegation of 26 participants from 17 countries joined the UKCF conference with some 400 CF practitioners. You can read their reflections here.

Community Foundations and SDGs

CFs are unsung heroes when it comes to the Sustainable Development Goals. Tell the story of how your CF thinks globally and acts locally.

Lessons and Inspiration from Canada

Four European delegates to the CFs of Canada conference have shared their reflections on this legendary event.


The Art of Conversation

Participants of this ECFI workshop learned about key elements for a successful communications strategy for CFs..

CF Support Ecosystem in Europe

There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to building a CF movement. Read here about the support ecosystem in Europe.

ECFI Connecting Communities 2018

Over 100 community foundation practitioners from 20 countries across Europe participated in ECFI activities in 2018 - see the activity map.

Support Organizations in Europe

According to a study by ECFI, there are 22 community foundation support organizations and initiatives in Europe, 5 CFs act as national champions. They support nearly 800 CFs.

Press Release of German CFs

German CFs have committed themselves to democracy, human dignity, and diversity. The declaration was presented in September, it advocates a free and democratic coexistence.

An Example of ECFI's Impact

The evaluation of ECFI's work in Phase 1 (2016/17) highlights the value and effectiveness of light touch but dynamic infrastructure support.

Guide to CFs in Romania

‘Community’ used to be a word without meaning in Romania. The Guide describes the evolution of the CF movement with many facts and figures.

With Vital Signs to Rational Action

Vital Signs, a programme to foster civic engagement in communities, was presented at a workshop during the German Foundations' Conference on 17 May in Nuremberg.

ECFI's 3 year plan (2018-2020)

Mapping, preparation and dissemination of information on CFSOs and CFs in Europe, including the production of guides.