Individuals, companies, organisations and community foundations as locally rooted and connected organisations around the world are seeking for opportunities to support people within and fleeing from Ukraine.
Community foundations and community foundation support organisations in Ukraine but as well in neighbouring countries already started an impressive on the ground effort to secure people, provide protection, facilitate evacuations, and connect to temporary accommodation.
ECFI wants to connect those that want to help with those that need help.
This resource paper shares the available information from partner organisations in Ukraine like Ednannia - the Initiative Center to Support Social Action and the National network for the development of local philanthropy in Ukraine, but as well from partner organisations in neighbouring countries with details on how to support community foundations and community foundation support organisations.
We have compiled an extensive pool of resources country by country for anyone willing to help. It’s a resource page that we currently keep updated according to the information we get from the field of community foundations.
Download: Community Foundations for Ukraine.pdf
Last update on: 05.05.2022
If you have new or updated information about the community foundation's activities for Ukraine, please contact Kamil Szlosek.
Organisations by country
Ednannia (Joining Forces): Initiative Center To Support Social Action
We are actively work in Ukraine. Due to security reasons we close our main web-site but all the work we do with specific focus on solving local challenges Ukrainian communities facing with (IDPs, hospitals, vulnerable, defends issues, humanitarian…). In partnership with CFs and other local NGOs we monitor the urgent needs and provide grants. Also we support monitoring and recording all the influences of the war for future court, we support info campaigns and info platforms, etc. We have a strong partnership with Government of Ukraine, USG, EI but our main focus is Civil Society. Annual budget before the war was 3-4 mln. USD. So, all the policies and needed papers are in place as well as results of the Annual audits. ISAR Ednannia is trusted nonprofit entity.
ISAR Ednannia not only networks the largest NGOs in Ukraine, but also maintains direct links with community foundations and other organisations for the local common good in the country, enabling it to respond quickly to specific needs.
Cooperation with the local community foundations or other local organisations, e.g. in Kyiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Melitopol, Mariupol, Odesa, Zhytomyr, Poltava, etc., is all the more important as they themselves can form local platforms for the collection and distribution of needed goods, be it food, medicines or bullet-proof waistcoats, and can quickly meet needs. Current information and account numbers can be found on the website.
Donation website: https://sos.ednannia.ua/
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/isar.ednannia
Contact person:
Volodymyr Sheyhus, Executive Director
E-mail: office[at]ednannia[punkt]ua
Phone number: +38 044 201-01-60
National network for the development of local philanthropy
Website: https://philanthropy.com.ua/en
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/filantropy.ua
Contact person:
Daria Rybalchenko, Director
E-mail: 2020.Daria.Rybalchenko[at]gmail[punkt]com
Phone number: +38 050 843 19 05
Zagoriy Foundation
Zagoriy Foundation is currently collecting, systematizing, and prioritizing the needs of our grantees and other organizations in Ukraine that effectively and transparently address pressing issues. By attracting help from our partners in Ukraine and abroad, we efficiently allocate funds and help meet urgent needs by:
1. Supporting grassroots organizations to work efficiently. We support the organization's projects, institutional capacity, and communication.
2. Creation and distribution of materials on philanthropy during the war.
• An analysis of the current situation
• Recommendations for charitable activities and protection against fraud (specific instructions and actions);
• Media coverage regarding philanthropy in Ukraine and abroad
3. Coordination within the sector and efficient allocation of funds Creating a map (list) of who is doing what and what niche is occupied today so as not to duplicate colleagues' work but rather to strengthen it. Informing donors about existing needs in a centralized manner.
Webiste: https://zagoriy.foundation/zagoriy-foundations-fundraising/
E-mail: sb[at]zagoriy[punkt]foundation
Phone number: +38 068 685 64 91
Sumy Community Foundation
Sumy is a beautiful city in North-Eastern Ukraine. Home to 300,000 men, women, and children. On February 24, our region became one of the first targets of the unprovoked Russian invasion.
The funds received will be spent on:
- purchasing medicines, food and medical supplies
- repairing the critical infrastructure (electric grid, hearing, communications)
- buying protective equipment for volunteers and territorial defense
- transporting the necessities to the Sumy region
- supporting the most vulnerable segments of the population
- rebuilding the Sumy region after the victory
Donation website: https://www.fond.sumy.ua/
Contact person:
Dmytro Tishchenko
E-mail: help[at]fond.sumy[punkt]ua
Phone number: +38 068 286-11-70
Voznesensk community foundation
At the initiative of the Voznesensk Community Foundation and Mayor Yevhen Velychko, we opened a separate special fund "InterAction". All funds received by the "InterAction" fund will be distributed according to the most urgent needs of the hospital, police and local defense forces unit in Voznesensk.
E-mail: vozn.cf[at]gmail[punkt]com
Phone number: + 380668728516;
Roots & Wings Foundation
Roots & Wings Foundation is collecting funds to trusted local partners, including community foundations and community/based organisations working on the ground and working. Some of our partners are already working hard to ensure that support and care to refugees is provided according to their quickly changing needs; they are helping Hungarian communities to be welcoming and accommodating and they are transporting in-kind gifts across the border to Ukraine. The Fund will support the following types of works:
- Pilot projects to support local communities to meet the needs of refugees staying in Hungary regarding accommodation, social and psychological care, employment, education with the goal to distil and disseminate practices/projects that work;
- Operating and/or participating in local coordinating committees with the involvement of local governments and public institutions, NGOs and civic groups to connect community resources with needs of refugees and communities; and
- Hiring experts and paid staff to work with volunteers to be able to carry quality work on the mid-term and enable volunteers to regenerate.
Donation website: Hungarian Crisis Fund for Ukraine https://gy-sz.hu/en/hungarian-crisis-fund-for-ukraine/
Contact person:
Tamás Scsaurszki, Chair of the Board
Phone/WhatsApp: +36202438491
E-mail: scsaurszki.tamas[at]gy-sz[punkt]hu
Federacja Funduszy Lokalnych w Polsce
The Federation of Local Funds in Poland has been helping Ukraine from the first day of the war. We have launched a collection fund and are coordinating help in Ukraine as well as in Poland.
- Refugees who have already arrived at Poland and need shelter, medical, legal or psychological assistance,
- People who are at the border and want to get to Poland (mainly women with children),
- People who are still in Ukraine. Thanks to donations, we systematically provide real help, which goes directly to twin non-governmental organizations in Ukraine. They provide support to the local community and soldiers fighting at the front. We have provided among others: food, sleeping bags, blankets, power banks, torches, walkie-talkies, medicines, first aid kits.
- We are in constant and daily contact with Ukrainian organizations, and we receive their lists of needs on an ongoing basis, to which we respond immediately,
- We organize the transport of products ourselves, which we deliver directly to selected communities from the region of Kiev, Zaporizhia, Bila Cerkiev, Vasylkiv, Zhitomyr, Vinnitsa, Chernihiv, or the Bar region,
- We purchase equipment that is difficult to find in Ukraine (power banks, aggregates, sleeping bags or walkie-talkies),
- We pay for the purchase of drugs (including prescription drugs) and deliver them to Ukrainian hospitals,
- We help refugees at the border, in the country and in our local communities, where Ukrainian citizens are located,
- Each community fund supports its municipalities and counties in caring for refugees, thus relieving local governments,
We have opened dedicated bank accounts in PLN, EURO and USD, where you can make a donation:
Information brochure "Ukraine you are not alone".pdf
Donation website: https://bit.ly/Ukraino_nie_jestes_sama
Website: https://ffl.org.pl/en/home-2/
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/FederacjaFL/
Contact person:
Zuzanna Komornicka, Communication and Promotion Manager
E-mail: zuz.kom[at]gmail[punkt]com, biuro[at]ffl.org[punkt]pl
Phone number: +48 604 998 112
Nidzicki Fundusz Lokalny
The Nidzica Community Foundation and the NIDA Foundation are organising a collection of money and goods to help the people of Chernihiv directly in Ukraine as well as families who have come seeking shelter in Nidzica.
Website: https://www.funduszlokalny.nidzica.pl/2022/03/04/solidarnie-z-ukraina/
E-mail: nida[at]nida[punkt]pl
Phone numbers: +48 666 028 991, +48 606 953 089
Żywiecka Fundacja Rozwoju
The Żywiec Development Foundation has created a platform "Help Center for Refugees" containing information for those who want to help and need help. The platform contains databases of volunteers, accommodation for refugees, in-kind donations, needs and information about the possibility of donating money. The Foundation also organises psychological support and long-term activities aimed at facilitating integration, such as language courses. On the website there are, among others, links to information on free medical assistance, Polish-Ukrainian phrasebooks, guide for hosts, educational materials and database of job offers.
Website: https://zfr.org.pl/zywiec-dla-ukrainy
E-mail: zfr[at]zfr.org[punkt]pl
Phone number: +48 33 475 44 77
Bucharest Community Foundation
Bucharest Community Foundation, in coordination with the General Direction of Social Services in Bucharest, launched the “Together” Emergency Fund. They support urgent needs of the Ukrainian refugees reaching Bucharest . The first urgent need is the financial support of train and plane tickets. For the moment, refugees transiting Hungary from Romania do not have free tickets.
Donation website: https://fundatiacomunitarabucuresti.ro/noutati/fundatia-comunitara-bucuresti-deschide-fondul-de-urgenta-impreuna/
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/fundatiacomunitarabucuresti/
Contact Persons:
Cristina Văileanu, Grants Manager and Emergency Fund Coordinator “Together”
Phone number: +40 723 689 658
Mihaela Gălie, Communication Manager
Phone number: +40 753 818 646
Făgăraș Country Community Foundation
In order to support the humanitarian efforts that our country is making, we make available to the local community in Făgăraș our platform to mobilise financial resources through the Emergency Fund for Ukraine.
We invite all good people from the local community to contribute to the humanitarian efforts, donating through the platform of the Făgăraș Country Community Foundation. We are committed to managing these amounts in a transparent manner, to constantly inform the community about the sums mobilised and to support, through this Fund, the humanitarian efforts made by the Romanian civil society.
The amounts mobilised through this Fund will be directed to non-governmental organisations that support Ukrainian refugees in various forms. Făgăraș Country Community Foundation will finance these organisations by offering a grant (non-reimbursable financing), according to the operating standards of the Community Foundations in Romania, as well as according to the grantmaking procedure.
Website: https://fundatiactf.ro/fondul-de-urgenta-pentru-ucraina/
E-mail: office[at]fundatiactf[punkt]ro
Phone number: +40 734 047 672
Galati Community Foundation
Galati Community Foundation has joined the sustained efforts of Romanian civil society, which have been impressively mobilized in recent days to support refugees from our country's borders fleeing the war in Ukraine.
In order to support the humanitarian efforts that our country is making, we make available to the local community of Galați our platform to mobilize financial resources and launch the Emergency Fund Galați - Refugees in safety.
We invite all people who want to contribute to humanitarian efforts, to donate through the platform of the Galati Community Foundation. We are committed to managing these amounts in a transparent manner, to constantly informing the community about the amounts mobilized and to support, through this Fund, the humanitarian efforts of Romanian civil society.
Through the Emergency Fund Galați – Refugees in safety , we want to address the urgent but also the medium and long-term needs of people fleeing the war in Ukraine, who may be affected by the need of shelter or food, medical and social services, psychological, educational or legal needs, transport or safety needs or the guidance of refugees for the employment of adults.
The Galati Community Foundation will support these needs by providing non-reimbursable funding to non-governmental organizations involved in these efforts, in the form of grants.
Website: https://fundatiacomunitaragalati.ro/galati-emergency-fund-safe-refugees/
E-mail: info[at]fundatiacomunitaragalati[punkt]ro
Phone number: +40 745 089 060
Iasi Community Foundation
We have launched a solidarity campaign in Iași, alongside Bethany Social Services Foundation and CIVICA Association to support refugee families in Ukraine.
Funds raised from both individual donors and companies are directed to the purchase of non-perishable food, medicine, hygiene products for children, women and the elderly, clothing items, by supporting the accommodation and transport efforts of refugees, their medical and social assistance.
We are also working with local authorities, representatives of the business sector and the universities to outline the mid-term plans for adapting to the refugee phenomena and find the proper solutions for education of children and the guidance for the employment of adults.
Donation website:
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/fundatiacomunitaraiasi
Contact person:
Irina Nichifiriuc
E-mail: irina.nichifiriuc[at]fundatiacomunitaraiasi[punkt]ro
Phone number: +40 751.208.404
Oradea Community Foundation
We are a part of a powerful community that proves to us how united we are even in these days.
The Oradea Community Foundation had established a clear purpose. We commit ourselves to think about the difficult situation of the Ukrainian people who are still abroad and in need of help. So we take action with the help of our volunteers and the authorities in Bihor county.
The main purpose of our helping campaign is to provide humanitarian aid to people in need in Ukraine, but also to those who arrived in our county, in our city. The most important role that we assume these days is being an aggregate of help, meaning that we communicate and that we succeeded to establish a powerful connection with other NGO's, because we have to act as a team. This is the only way to be more efficient in this unfortunate situation. That's why we are a binder between NGO's and authorities.
Aside form collecting humanitarian help, we are in the process to implement a call center that reunites most part of the NGOs involved in this crisis in the Bihor county. We will have an unique phone number that will be disseminated by all the NGOs, local press and local authorities for all those who need or offer help. The volunteers that are answering the phone will redirect the call to the ones responsible (local authorities) or will dispatch help from the responsible NGO as needed.
We also collect financial donations from those who can help ukrainians and also we advise our community to understand the importance of blood donation, a gesture which is very important nowadays.
The main goal is to mobilize and to invite people and NGO's to react together in front of this unfortunate situation.
Donation website: https://fundatiacomunitaraoradea.ro/tu-si-comunitatea/#doneaza
Website: https://fundatiacomunitaraoradea.ro/
Contact person:
Claudia Abrudan, Executive Director
Phone number: +40 743 295486
E-mail: director[at]fundatiacomunitaraoradea[punkt]ro
Komunitná nadácia Liptov
The Foundation runs a fundraising, information platform for those who want to help and need help. The platform contains databases on volunteers, accommodation for refugees, job offers, in-kind donations, needs and information on how to donate.
Website: https://www.knl.sk/pomoc-ukrajine
E-mail: knl[at]knl[punkt]sk
Phone numbers: + 421 911 540 870, + 421 903 012 877
Komunitnej nadácii Zdravé mesto
We ask you for help for people on the run from Ukraine. We are in contact with our colleagues and volunteers at the border, where the situation is very difficult. At the same time, we are preparing to provide assistance to people who remain living in our region. Your help will help us respond flexibly and quickly to their current needs. We will inform you about the use of donated funds and other help options on our website.
Donation websites: https://knzm.sk/ https://knzm.darujme.sk/bb-pomaha-ukrajncom-a-ukrajinkam/
Contact person:
Beata Hirt, Executive Director
E-mail: knzm[at]knzm[punkt]sk
Phone number: +421 48 4156059
Nitrianska komunitná nadácia
The Nitra Community Foundation in cooperation with the city of Nitra are running a public collectionto help Ukraine and a grant progarmm aimed to non-profit organizations and civic initiatives in Nitra, which provide regular assistance to people fleeing the war from Ukraine.
Webiste: https://www.nkn.sk/nase-programy/nitra-pomaha-ukrajine
E-mail: nkn[at]nkn[punkt]sk
Phone number: +421 37 741 43 45 or +421 908 798 575
Fondation de France
The Fondation de France launched a call for projects ‘Solidarity Ukraine’. Eligible for funding are local organisations that accompany refugees in neighbouring countries and displaced persons in Ukraine.
In accordance with the Fondation de France's principles of intervention, a committee of volunteer experts has been set up and has defined two main priority areas for action:
- to respond to the basic needs and psychosocial support of populations affected by the conflict;
- to provide more sustainable support to these populations, in terms of access to health services, housing, education, legal support, psychological support but also access to information and documentation about human rights violations.
Grants often range from 5,000 to 100,000 euros, depending on the needs, the organization's management capacity and potential co-financing.
E-Mail: solidariteukraine[at]fdf[punkt]org
La Fondation de Lille
The Lille Foundation has launched an appeal for donations to support the Ukrainian population devastated by the war. The Foundation will finance emergency humanitarian aid and support the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Lille. For more than 30 years, the Lille Foundation has echoed the generosity of the inhabitants of the North of France by pooling private and public funds collected in the Hauts-de-France region. Its Ethics and Arbitration Committee selects, in a coherent and coordinated manner, projects from professional humanitarian NGOs working, preferably, in conjunction with local associations. The Lille Foundation finances targeted expenditure and communicates the results of its actions to its donors.
Donation webiste: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/fondation-de-lille/formulaires/31
Webisite: https://www.fondationdelille.org/
E-mail: contact[at]fondationdelille[punkt]org
Phone number: + 33 3 20 53 18 20
Alliance of Community Foundations in Germany
At this time, our thoughts in Germany's community foundations are with the people in Ukraine and with our friends and partners in the 29 community foundations there. Together with our network and our community foundation partner organisations around the world, we are watching the escalation of the conflict with horror. We want to support the people in Ukraine with all the means at our disposal and also call on philanthropy in Germany to respond.
On the website you will find links to information on possible forms of support offered by German community foundations.
Website: https://www.buergerstiftungen.org/de/aktuelles/detail/standwithukraine/
Contact person:
Ulrike Reichart, Head of the Alliance of Community Foundations in Germany
E-mail: ulrike.reichart[at]stiftungen[punkt]org
Phone number: +49 30 897947-94
Stiftung Aktive Bürgerschaft – Ednannia-Hilfsfonds
Stiftung Aktive Bürgerschaft together with Maecenata Stiftung have established an Ednannia Relief Fund. All donations to the relief fund go to Ednannia, a non-profit organisation that supports community foundations in Ukraine. It is accredited there and has 20 years of experience in building and supporting civil society structures and organisations.
Ednannia forwards the donations directly and according to need to the approximately 30 Ukrainian community foundations in various regions. Support is provided, for example, for humanitarian aid and the care of refugees and injured people - examples can be found below. Resources from the aid fund may only be used for community foundations and not for military purposes ("territorial defence").
The Maecenata Foundation receives a free donation share of a maximum of 5 percent to cover its expenses and further develop its services. Donation receipts are issued for the full amount of the donation.
Website: https://www.aktive-buergerschaft.de/buergerstiftungen/ednannia-hilfsfonds-ukraine/
Donation website: https://www.maecenata.eu/internationales-spenden/?fb_item_id_fix=47197
Contact person:
Bernadette Hellmann, Deputy Managing Director
E-mail: bernadette.hellmann[at]aktive-buergerschaft[punkt]de
Phone number: +49 157 - 80 69 233-2
Frankfurter Bürgerstiftung
The Frankfurt Community Foundation, in cooperation with other aid organisations, is providing support to people in need in Ukraine - both by collecting donations in cash and in kind and by arranging accommodation.
Website: https://www.frankfurter-buergerstiftung.de/aktuell/2022-03-04/hilfsaktionen-fuer-die-ukraine
E-Mail: info[at]frankfurter-buergerstiftung[punkt]de
Phone number: +49 69 55 77 91
Bürgerstiftung Barnim Uckermark
The Bürgerstiftung Barnim Uckermark has prepared a list of various support options and shows you how you can get involved and for what donations are collected. Hosts who have taken in refugees will also find helpful information on this page. The Foundation has set up a helpline from Monday to Friday and a hotline for urgent cases around the clock for people who pick up refugees from the border, from train stations or from collection points.
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/buergerstiftungbarnimuckermark/
Phone number: 03334 497482
E-mail: kontakt[at]buergerstiftung-barnim-uckermark[punkt]de
Bürgerstiftung Bad Honnef
Refugees have also arrived in Bad Honnef. The Bürgerstiftung Bad Honnef has therefore activated its refugee fund, which was set up in 2015. We are once again collecting aid and asking for your support with your donations. When allocating the funds, we cooperate with the local social associations and the city of Bad Honnef to ensure that all the money goes specifically to the people in need.
Website: https://www.buergerstiftung-badhonnef.de/spenden-fonds-fuer-ukraine-fluechtlinge/
E-mail: info[at]buergerstiftung-badhonnef[punkt]de
Phone number: 0160 539 4754
Bürgerstiftung Halle
The Bürgerstiftung Halle provides a link to list of support services in the region on its website.
E-Mail: info[at]buergerstiftung-halle[punkt]de
Phone number: +49 345 68 58 796
Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen
The Community Foundation Lebensraum Aachen has launched an appeal for peace in Europe on the first day of the war in Ukraine. The foundation offers support by accompanying refugees to the public offices and medical facilities as well as information about help offers in region.
Website: https://www.buergerstiftung-aachen.de/projekte/unsere-projekte/ukraine.html
E-Mail: ukraine[at]buergerstiftung-aachen[punkt]de
Phone number: +49 241/4500130
Bürgerstiftung Region Neumarkt
The community foundation and the authorities as well as social organisations (Malteser) are working hand in hand. The first translators have already been hired, German courses have started and on five days a week the refugees can meet in a protected room with Wi-Fi, laptop, games for children, drinks, etc. Child carers and psychological support are provided. The organisation created a list of offers and crucial information for those who need a help and want to help.
The Community Foundation has established a fund for Ukrainian refugees and doubles every donation that is received.
Contact person:
Mimoza Marku
Phone number: +49 151 11171231
Bürgerstiftung Rheda-Wiedenbrück
The Rheda-Wiedenbrück Community Foundation has set up a donation fund for refugees from Ukraine, with which all funds can be bundled and used in a targeted manner.
For the refugees and for voluntary help, both material and honorary funds from 50 euros up to approx. 1,000 euros can be applied for. A decision on the allocation of funds is taken once a week.
The following matters are eligible for funding:
- Purchases for accommodation and everyday life
- Activities for participation in social, civic or cultural life
- Activities for networking and integration of refugees
- Voluntary accompaniment of refugees in the exercise of their rights and guidance in everyday life
- Activities for the education, legally compliant employment or qualification of refugees
- Activities to qualify volunteers working with refugees, e.g. on intercultural skills or facilitating workshops.
- Travel costs and tickets for public transport
- Material for learning the German language
Services or activities to which the refugees have a legal claim or which are the responsibility of the federal government or the state are not funded.
Website: https://buergerstiftung-rhwd.de/spendenfonds-fuer-menschen-aus-der-ukraine/
E-mail: info[at]buergerstiftung-rhwd[punkt]de
Phone number: +49 160 96844442
Hamburger BürgerStiftung
The Ukraine Aid Hamburg (die Ukrainehilfe Hamburg) is an alliance of civil society organisations, foundations and companies that work together to make it as easy as possible for those seeking protection to arrive in Hamburg. Our goal is to support those in the city who are in direct contact with the protection seekers and know what needs there are and what solutions are quick and practicable. It is important for us not to develop parallel structures, but to strengthen existing organisations.
We structure our help in the following areas:
- Arrangement and support of housing sponsorships for people seeking protection by setting up a cooperation project with the Alliance of Hamburg Refugee Initiatives (Bündnis Hamburger Flüchtlingsinitiativen BHFI e.V.).
- Arrangement of mentorships to accompany families and individuals
- Topic-related networking of civil society actors in the city and support for the North German-Ukrainian aid team
- Financing of aid services in Hamburg through the establishment of the "Ukraine Aid Hamburg" community fund
Website: https://buergerstiftung-hamburg.de/fonds/ukraine-hilfe-hamburg/home/
Contact person:
Neele Wulff
E-mail: neele.wulff[at]buergerstiftung-hamburg[punkt]de
Assifero, Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies
As Assifero, we are sharing information among members on others member initiatives to avoid duplications and facilitate collaborations. We incentive the partnership with community foundations at the local level. We promote and facilitate among our members maintaining a mid-long term vision on the priorities that might come up in the future, inviting them to provide additional resources from their grantmaking budgets to the cause, based on their capacity and priorities.
Website: https://assifero.org/
Contact person:
Francesca Mereta, External Communication Coordinator
E-mail: f.mereta[at]assifero[punkt]org
Phone number: +39 3496968419
Fondazione Cariplo
Fondazione Cariplo has committed so far over € 3.4 million to support initiatives responding to the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis, both in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries and in the Italian provinces of Lombardy, Novara and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, the foundation’s geographic focus. Actions include a contribution of around € 437,000 to the humanitarian assistance initiative launched by ACRI – Italian Association of the Italian Foundations of Banking Origin, the commitment of € 2 million to support initiatives led by the 16 Lombard community foundations to welcome and support Ukrainian refugees, and a budget of € 1 million to respond to housing needs.
Phone number: +39 02 62391
Fondazione Comunità Novarese onlus
In order to support the reception of all the people fleeing from Ukraine following the invasion by the Russian army on 24 February, (who often came here to be reunited with part of their families) Fondazione Comunità Novarese onlus has decided to launch a special fundraising campaign and has set up the Ukraine Emergency Fund. This is a fund where donations will be directed to support reception projects, with the aim of providing concrete and urgent help to all those who have been forced to leave their homes suddenly and are seeking refuge in the countries of the European Union. The fundraising is intended to support the costs of reception, with the aim of rapidly settling the refugees according to a model of "widespread reception" that aims to integrate small groups into the ordinary life of the host communities and thus facilitate integration, in collaboration with the Caritas Diocese of Novara reception network and other bodies and associations in the area. The first concrete action was to set up a training course for intercultural mediators.
Website: https://www.fondazionenovarese.it/fondi/fondo-emergenza-ucraina/
Contact person:
Davide Maggi, President
E-mail: donare[at]fondazionenovarese[punkt]it
Phone number: +39 0321 611 781
Fondazione della Comunità Bresciana
Fondazione della Comunità Bresciana has promoted and is leading a joint roundtable gathering together all stakeholders in the community to deliver a coordinate response.
E-mail: comunicazione[at]fondazionebresciana[punkt]org
Phone number: +39 030 46046
Fondazione Comunitaria del Lecchese
Fondazione Comunitaria del Lecchese has set a welcome Fund, “Lecco hosts Ukraine”, and is coordinating the housing of the Ukrainian community’s relatives and loved ones in the territory.
Website: https://www.fondazionelecco.org/news/entra-nel-vivo-la-campagna-lecco-ospita-lucraina/
E-mail: segreteria[at]fondazionelecco[punkt]org
Phone number: +39 0341 353 123
Fondazione Comunitaria della Valle D’Aosta
Fondazione Comunitaria della Valle D’Aosta has set a dedicated fund, "Valle d 'Aosta for Ukraine” and is collaborating with regional authorities as well as with other actors from the third sector to provide a shared answer. The main objective is to support the efforts of the Aosta Valley community to guarantee the most appropriate welcome for those fleeing the war. For this reason, the donations will mainly be used to support the expenses related to the rapid accommodation of refugees according to a model of "widespread reception", which aims at the inclusion of small groups in the ordinary life of the Aosta Valley community and thus facilitates integration.
Website: https://www.fondazionevda.it/emergenza-ucraina/
E-mail: segreteria[at]fondazionevda[punkt]it
Phone number:+39 165-231274
MUNUS Community Foundation of Parma
Fondazione MUNUS has activated five different fundraising initiatives to support the Ukrainian population with concrete actions aimed, in particular, at welcoming refugees fleeing the war in the municipal and provincial area
Website: https://www.fondazionemunus.it/
E-Mail: info[at]fondazionemunus[punkt]it
Phone number: +39 328 34 48 770
United Kingdom
UK Community Foundation
On the website you will find links to information on possible forms of support in the United Kingdom.
Website: https://www.ukcommunityfoundations.org/news/supporting-people-and-communities-in-ukraine
Nodibinājums Alūksnes un Apes novada fonds
Our organisation is helping by supplies for Ukrainian refugees (clothing, medication etc..) Also we are offering the assistance for medical care, food, hairdressers or any other possible help.
Donation website: https://www.aanf.lv/palidzesim-ukrainas-tautai
E-mail: aluksnesapesfonds[at]gmail[punkt]com
Phone number:+371 28 64 22 50
Other initiatives
Philea platforms
PhilanthropyForUkraine.eu and NGOforUkraine.eu.
Key partners from across the philanthropy sector have launched the integrated online portals PhilanthropyForUkraine.eu and NGOforUkraine.eu. The initiative aims to better coordinate the efforts, initiatives and calls for donations from the European philanthropy sector and NGO community in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
The portals will directly support the work of two key stakeholders:
- Philanthropic organisations, to share updates on resources mobilised to support Ukraine; understand which pledges and commitments are being made by their peers; and understand and respond to the needs of (I)NGOs and grassroots organisations.
- (I)NGOs and grassroots organisations, to navigate the offers made by the philanthropic community and communicate their needs for support to a community of philanthropic actors.
A simple online template allows both of these stakeholders to publish their support efforts directly to the portals in their own languages. Bringing both communities together will allow for more targeted support in the interest of helping the millions of people suffering the consequences of the invasion.
Contact person:
Angela Pauly, Senior Manager, Communications
E-mail: angela.pauly[at]philea[punkt]eu
ECFI’s Facebook Group "CF Practice Exchange"
The ECFI's Facebook Group "CF Practice Exchange" is a space for community foundation and CF support organisation practitioners - staff, board members, volunteers or related experts from Europe, who are interested in sharing and exchanging knowledge, skills, passions - to improve their practice. During crisis situations such as the Covid outbreak and the current war in Ukraine, it connects the field and provides for direct exchange of information regarding community foundation responses.
To access the group please send a request directly on Facebook.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CFpracticeexchange
E-mail: info[at]communityfoundations[punkt]eu
Platform - Supportukrainenow.org
Crowdsourced information platform list of official funds, requests, materials (doc updated live, hourly).
Website: https://supportukrainenow.org/
Global Fund for Community Foundations
The GFCF has launched a series of rapid grants to trusted community philanthropy partners in Ukraine and surrounding countries to support their relief efforts. We will be reporting more on the amazing organizing and relief work that is being done by our partners in the Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia in due course, but activities have so far ranged from providing direct relief to arrivals from the Ukraine in the form of food and accommodation, to organizing psycho-social support addressing the trauma and impacts of the war, to arranging transportation for Africans and other foreigners to other countries, to launching local fundraising campaigns. So far, we have awarded US $154,900 in grants to the following organizations, most of which have also set up their own fundraising campaigns (see links below).
Website: https://globalfundcommunityfoundations.org/news/support-our-ukrainian-partner-moloda-gromada/
Donation website: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/GFCFUkraine
Germany – List of activities and organisations prepared by the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen
Here you will find a regularly updated list of the Foundation's activities, divided into financial donations, donations in kind, other offers of help as well as networking and information exchange.
Website: https://www.stiftungen.org/aktuelles/stiftungen-fuer-die-ukraine.html
Latvia - Donation campaign of the Central Latgale Reconstruction Fund
Website: https://www.vlpf.lv/jaunumi/ukrainas-iedzivotaju-atbalstam
Latvia - Information for refugees – Ukraine-Latvia.com
Website: https://www.ukraine-latvia.com
Latvia - Donation campaign – ziedot.lv
Website: https://www.ziedot.lv/en/stand-with-ukraine-4203
Austria - List of activities and organisations prepared by the Verband für gemeinnütziges Stiften
The list includes activities in the field of donation, (primary) care and scientific discourse.
Website: https://www.gemeinnuetzig-stiften.at/newsevents
Slovakia - Platform with a list of activities prepared by Centrum pre filantropiu n.o
Darujme.sk (run by the Centre for Philanthropy) is an online platform through which organisations, companies or individuals can create donation appeals to raise money for a good cause. Darujme.sk actively and quickly helps organizations raise money for Ukraine and its citizens who are forced to flee the country, as well as for those who remain in Ukraine. On the website https://darujme.sk/blog/ako-pomoct-ludom-na-ukrajine/ you will find a continuously updated list of verified organizations that are directly working in Ukraine, cooperating with partner organizations on the ground or helping people who have managed to escape from Ukraine to Slovakia.
Website: https://darujme.sk/blog/ako-pomoct-ludom-na-ukrajine/
Romania – Information for refugees - Code for Romania
On the Code for Romania platform, in partnership with the Ministry of Interior's Emergency Department, the International Organization for Migration and the Romanian National Refugee Council, civilians fleeing the war in Ukraine can find all the information they need to seek protection in Romania.
Website: https://dopomoha.ro/uk

Kamil Szlosek
Program Support Officer