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Connecting Community Foundations with the SDGs

Get inspired to embrace the SDGs. This publication describes the why and how.

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Database of support activities offered by CFs

We want to connect those who want to help with those that need help.

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Connecting Communities

ECFI connects community foundations and community foundation support organisations across 25 countries in Europe. This recognises the different national contexts within which community foundations operate, but enables learning within the field to be shared widely. We facilitate exchange of knowledge and experience and offer exposure to different experiences and stages of development.

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© (c) ECFI

European Community Foundation Initiative

We are promoting the growth of community foundations across Europe. As a platform for communication, knowledge sharing, development and advocacy, we strengthen and support the field in Europe.

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© Bereczky Sandor

Learning opportunities

Join the network of practitioners, researchers, experts and organisations beyond and share the knowledge within the European Community Foundation Network.

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Community Foundations in Europe

Some 850 community foundations in 26 countries in Europe mobilise and invest technical and financial resources in a specific geographic area. They offer local action for global good.

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© (c) ECFI based on Google Maps
European Community Foundation Atlas

 Our Atlas is a live resource presenting information about the community foundation field in Europe.

© Marina Roa/ Sensetribe
Unlocking Philanthropic Potential: Shifting from an Ask to an Offer

‘Probably the most important thing that a community foundation should do’.  Continually building assets and funds from a wide range of donors could be transformational for your community foundation and your locality.

How to get the most from ECFI

Don’t miss opportunities to participate and connect. See here the range of channels and ways to keep informed and to for you to engage with ECFI.

Our vision

Our vision is a vibrant community foundation movement contributing significantly to citizen’s engagement in local philanthropy and civil society in Europe.

Our beliefs

We believe in community foundations as a vibrant form of civil self-organisation. As foundations created for citizens by citizens, they are evidence of a strong and engaged civil society, contributing significantly to the local resolution of important social issues.

Our mission

Our mission is to strengthen and promote the community foundation movement in Europe.