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Number of community foundations: 52 (2024)
Oldest community foundation: Tolyatti City Foundation (1998)
Population: 146,5 million (2023, Statista)

Charitable Foundation for Philanthropy Development  (CAF)

The Charitable Foundation for Philanthropy Development was established in 1993. The organization supports a thriving and independent civil society by pioneering effective and sustainable ways of giving. In Russia, this support can be the management of programs, research, grant-making or monitoring and evaluating impact. CAF works closely with community foundations, particularly to build their capacity and fundraising capabilities. CAF also supports conferences and study trips of community foundations.

Partnership of Community Foundations Association

The Association Partnership of Community Foundations was founded in 2003. The organisation's main goal is the promotion of community foundation technology, but also exchange of experiences. Currently, the Association faces a lack of human resources and leaders. Also, due to the economic crisis in the country, communities and business suffer from low incomes, which results in less successful fundraising activities for community foundations. An important topic for the Partnership of Community Foundations Association today is the education of community foundations leaders.